Unlocking the Secrets of Network Marketing: Purpose and Progression

Network Marketing Industry

What is network marketing? Why do?

Where can it lead us?

Network marketing, directing selling

A long time ago, in a village, there lived six blind men. One day, an elephant came to their village. They had only heard about elephants before but had never touched or felt one. They decided, "Even though we cannot see the elephant, we can still feel it and know what it is like." So they all went to touch the elephant.

They all began to touch the elephant.
The first person, touching the elephant's leg, said, "I understand; the elephant is like a pillar."
The second person, grabbing the trunk, said, "No, the elephant is like a rope."
The third person, touching the tusk, said, "I'll tell you, the elephant is like a tree branch." The fourth person, touching the ear, explained to everyone, "What are you talking about? The elephant is like a big fan."
The fifth person placed his hand on the elephant's belly and said, "No, no, it's like a wall." The sixth person insisted, "That's not true; the elephant is like a hard tube."
Then they all started arguing and trying to prove themselves right.
Is this not similar to network marketing? Many people perceive network marketing as simply a business of selling products. In Contrast, others believe it to be a quick way to become a millionaire overnight, and some even consider it a scheme or scam.
So, let's understand what network marketing is
Direct selling or network marketing is a distribution model based on a principal-agent relationship, where a service or product is marketed, distributed, or sold by a direct seller.
direct selling handshaking

In the traditional system, if we understand this through a picture, a product is manufactured. Then, it goes through various intermediaries like C & F, a distributor, a wholesaler, and a retailer before reaching the consumer, and we get to know about it through advertising. On the other hand, in direct selling, the product is directly provided to the associate (direct seller) by the manufacturer or brand owner. Then, they deliver these products to the consumer.
The most beautiful thing about this business model is that, in the traditional model, we are fulfilling someone else's dreams. When a famous actor or actress advertises a product, their expenses are ultimately borne by us. The big distributors and wholesalers become wealthy by purchasing our products at MRP, while we take the burden of MRP. We can also say M.R.P. in another way, where M stands for 'Marta', R stands for 'Rota, and P stands for 'Pitta'. When we buy products at MRP, all that burden falls on us.
However, through direct selling, a consumer gains empowerment. They get the opportunity to fulfil their dreams, big or small. In traditional markets, products are sold through advertising. Still, in direct selling, products are sold through personal connections, where you use the product, like it, and then share your experience with others with satisfaction.

According to Robert T. Kiyosaki, if we look at it, people worldwide are divided into four types of quadrants. These are:

  • Employes

  • Self-employed

  • Business Houses &

  • Investors

Either you are an employee and working for someone else, or you are self-employed and running your own small business, or you are a prominent business owner and building a system that works for you, or you are an investor and your money is working for you. Before sharing this quadrant theory with you in detail, I would like to ask: Which category do you belong to? When I finish explaining this quadrant, you will understand which type is best for you and how you can reach it.

“If you don't find a way to make 

money while you sleep, you will

Work until you die.”

 -Warren Buffet

Why should you consider a direct-selling business?

You should consider direct selling because:

  • It requires only a minimal investment.

You can start this business by simply changing the products in your home. It provides you with an extra income and can also offer financial freedom, as this business is built on solid fundamentals. It is flexible and can be done by anyone, as it is designed to be adaptable. Some people work in this business for 7 hours a week, some work for 7 hours a day, and some dedicate 60 hours a month to it.

  • In a direct-selling business, you can write your paycheck. You determine how much income you want to make. As your network grows over time, you earn a significant income. You even earn while you sleep.

  • This business provides you with a life-changing education.

You receive training and mentorship. The most significant benefit is learning from successful people who started like you and achieved great success. You receive a practical business education. I have seen many women who could not speak in front of two people in the beginning, but now they speak in seminars in front of hundreds of people and educate their team. They quickly understand wellness health and have extensive business knowledge.

Your network is your net worth." It means that the more extensive your network, the bigger your earnings. There is no limit to a network, so this business has no limit to income.

For the Complete Chapter please Read our “The Vaccine For Finacial Freedom” .

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Warm regards, Mahaavir Kantura


Mahaavir Kantura

Mahaavir Kantura is an Author ,Entrepreneur, Health & Wellness Coach & Top Leader at VLCC Wellscience, Direct Selling Vertical Of VLCC, Leading Wellness Brand Of Asia.He is working on the mission of spreading Health Wealth and Happiness.

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